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​Nutritional Balancing & How It Works
Your recommended dietary, supplement, and lifestyle program uses seven different methods simultaneously to help reduce the levels of toxic metals.
These methods include improving your energy level, supporting the organs of elimination, inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system, reducing exposure to environmental toxic metals, supplementing with heavy metal antagonists, supplementing with natural heavy metal chelators, and recommending other natural detoxification and purification methods.
The hair tissue mineral analysis does not test for toxic chemicals such as pesticides and solvents. However, enhancing energy production, inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system, assisting the organs of elimination, and reducing exposure to all toxins greatly helps the removal of toxic chemicals from the body.
Certain foods contain the right composition required to balance our biochemistry and aid in eliminating toxic metals to ensure our organs function at their appropriate capacity. Some foods are needed on a daily basis, such as cooked vegetables, good-quality meat, and some grains, and fresh spring water.
The supplement formulas of the late Dr. Paul Eck, are strictly and precisely defined to achieve the full healing effect of nutritional balancing. Therefore, both diet and supplements, the power of consistent prayers, meditation, and other procedures, can alter our biochemistry in the positive.
Nutritional balancing will improve energy levels by slowing down the sympathetic nervous system. It will expand one’s health span by resetting the body’s vital force and protein-synthesis mechanisms. Other systems and approaches for healing the body, such as taking antioxidants, differ from nutritional balancing.
Increasing energy levels indicates the balancing of minerals and elimination of toxic metals and chemicals. The results improve mental capacity and processing and increase awareness!
As part of increased awareness, learning God’s will and plan for your life begins to open up and take precedence.
​Genesis 1:27 proclaims “God created man in his own image…” and we are His masterpiece. God designed our body and soul to be unique and perfect with exactly the right elements to keep organs functioning optimally by processing toxins from food and the environment without harm.
​To achieve good health, one must understand that you are not just a body but a body with a soul. The soul animates the body and directs the whole person toward God. If you live a life of immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, etc.. you will eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions.
Merely working on your physical body (the flesh) while neglecting your soul encourages an internal division that can lead to misalignment, and chaos, and can manifest itself in various ways such as mental illnesses and diseases.
Suffice to say, you should always prioritize the needs of your soul over those of your body.
My Support
Receiving support from a nutritional coach, like me, will guide you to retrain your mind to make better choices for yourself.
My services will provide you with a completely life-changing program, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Together, we will conduct a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).
I will review, analyze, and walk you through the results.
​Then, I will create a comprehensive plan and program of better living habits, detoxification, and purification procedures that are ideal for you, your body's biochemistry, and your soul.
Starting with diet, I will teach you which foods to relinquish that cause harm so you immediately feel an improvement.
Learn which earthtly pleasures are detrimental to your overall health and ultimately your soul.
With my assistance, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to differentiate between New Age movements and practices disguised as "wellness" programs that are harmful and unhelpful, and those that are genuinely beneficial for nourishing your body and soul. While these "wellness" programs may make grand promises, you will soon realize that they are not in line with your soul and can leave you feeling broken, empty, and dis-eased.
​I will teach you how to restore your health and your body's natural ability to heal itself through simple practices without the need for medication.
Nutritional Balancing Consist of:
* Diet
* Supplements
* Detoxification
* Purification
* A Healing Lifestyle
Nutritional Balancing is Ideal For:
*Digestive issues
*Chronic fatigue
*Brain fog
* Joint pain​​
* Anxieties
* Chronic headaches
* Menopausal symptoms
* Mood swings
* Addictions
To learn more about my services, you can contact me Here.
​Ah Oui! En plus je parle le français ~
Copyright © 2024 Josephine, Certified Holistic Nutrition, CHN, FDN
Nine Servings of Vegetables is
A Unique and Powerful Cookbook that Explains & Teaches
How to Prevent & Handling Diseases
​​The Cookbook to Reduce Toxic Metals,
Balance Your Minerals and Balance Your Biochemistry
I practice Hair Mineral Analysis and Nutritional Balancing Science to people all over the globe and I am the author on Nine Servings of Vegetables.
Please join me on the Road Less Traveled by seeking the truth through a system that will open your eyes to the world!
You can contact me here.
Josephine Your Certified Nutritionist
Nutritional balancing is not a substitute for regular medical care. It is not a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any disease or condition, mental or physical. Instead, it is a means of reducing stress and balancing, strengthening and restoring body chemistry. When this is done, many health conditions improve by themselves.
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