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Potassium the Most Important Electrolytes


Potassium is one of the most important electrolyte. It is present in large quantities in the body, and is required in large quantities in the diet, every day.

It regulates the metabolism of sugars, while sodium regulates the metabolism of salts. Together, they are the primary electrolytes of the 'human generating system'. THE FUNCTIONS OF POTASSIUM IN OUR BODIES Potassium has many critical functions in our bodies, mainly it is associated with cortisol levels. These are slower-acting stress hormones. These hormones activate the body’s fight-or-flight response. Low cortisol symptoms include, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, low temperature, depression, joint pain and allergies. Some doctors diagnose an interesting adrenal problem called cortisol reversal. In this situation, cortisol levels are low in the morning when they should be higher. Then, later in the day, they increase and may be too high in the evening and at night. We consider this to be an autonomic nervous system imbalance that may be related to a phenomenon called sympathetic dominance. Potassium is also associated with the thyroid gland regulation. Potassium sensitizes the cells to thyroid hormone, according to Dr. Eck’s research. In addition, when sodium and potassium rise, tissue calcium tends to decrease. This causes the cells to become more permeable to thyroid hormone, in particular, and to other hormones such as insulin, as well. ​Hypothyroidism (often Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) is often secondary to adrenal exhaustion although most people have a toxic and depleted thyroid gland. Hormone therapy for this condition is not needed, in our experience, if one restores all the glands with a nutritional balancing program. The thyroid gland and the adrenals have a close relationship because both are involved with the sympathetic nervous system, which is directly associated with potassium. Stress on one always affects the other. POTASSIUM DEFICIENCY VERY WIDESPREAD Only 2-10% of the American and Canadian population obtains the recommended daily amount of potassium each day. This means that at least 90% of the population are deficient in this very essential mineral. RDA for Potassium.

  • Age 1-3 = 400 mg daily

  • Age 4-8 = 3800 mg daily

  • Age 9-13 = 4500 mg daily

  • Above 13 = 4700 mg daily

  • Lactating women = 5100 mg daily

The average American and Canadian eats about half of the required potassium needed for health. This is a major reason to eat loads of cooked vegetables, along with animal protein and some grains. Most nutrition books and doctors will tell you the best sources are fruits and vegetables. However, as I write in my cookbook, I suspect that it will eventually be recognized as common sense that fruit and other simple carbohydrates are harmful to our health. The best and most biologically available source of high-quality potassium is cooked vegetables, NOT FRUIT and NOT RAW FOODS. This is important to explain. THE PROBLEM WITH FRUIT Although many fruits are rich in potassium, the form of potassium is not biologically available to our bodies. The reason is that fruits take up a lot of superphosphate fertilizers, which contain a less usable and toxic form of potassium. This includes bananas, coconut, peaches, pears, apples and most other fruits, as well. Many health authorities will disagree, but this is our experience with fruit. Not only is the potassium not biologically available, but it is toxic as well. This is a very important concept, and one of the major reasons we do not recommend eating any fruit at all on the program! The problem of toxic potassium also extends to some so-called vegetables that are really fruits. These include the nightshades such as tomatoes, white and red potatoes, all peppers, all squash, okra, cucumbers, eggplant and perhaps one or two others. In order to obtain the most minerals, one must cook the vegetables to break down the fiber. VEGETABLE JUICE ARE A GOOD SOURCE OF POTASSIUM The only other option to obtain plenty of potassium from vegetables is to drink some vegetable juice each day. 10 to 12 ounces only of carrot juice daily. Do not drink more juice than this, as it is very yin in Chinese medical terms. Wheat grass juice, one or two ounces at a time, is also excellent and contains some potassium. Another way to get more potassium is to blend your cooked vegetables or puree it. VEGETABLES IN CAPSULES If eating 9 servings of vegetables daily is daunting and you prefer to eat 6 servings daily, I would recommend taking vegetable capsules, in the amount of 6 daily. You can either buy Endo Veggies from Endomet or Garden Veggies from Natures's Way. Please note that taking potassium pills will not work. You would need to take a full bottle of potassium pills to feel some effect. You want to obtain your potassium from foods or food concentrates. RAW DAIRY PRODUCTS Raw dairy products are also good sources of potassium, particularly raw, unpasteurized and unhomogenized milk, kefir and yogurts. I drink raw kefir daily, which I make myself. It helps with my digestion. DRINKING WATER Some, but not all tap and spring water contains some potassium. Reverse osmosis water and distilled water contain no potassium at all. This is one reason I do not recommend reverse osmosis water ever, and I only recommend distilled water for a day or perhaps for a week or so during some difficult detoxification or purification reaction to remove toxins faster. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE DEFICIENT IN POTASSIUM? Potassium is needed for the stomach, the nerves, the muscles, for energy, for fluid and hydration. Here are ways you will know you maybe deficient in potassium:

  1. You will feel fatigued in the morning and throughout the day.

  2. You will have muscle cramps. Muscles need enough potassium for smooth muscle contraction.

  3. You may skip heart beats.

  4. You will have bloating or abdominal cramping - this occurs because you can't create the acid you need to digest protein and absorb other minerals.

  5. Constipation.

  6. Fluid retention, like swollen ankles.

  7. Feeling thirsty much of the time.

  8. Depression or confusion.

Keep in mind, you are most likely deficient in potassium because you do not eat 9 servings of cooked vegetables daily or do not take food concentrates in order to boost your potassium and your energy. If you have had a surgery, this will also dump the potassium. Adrenal stress also creates potassium loss through the urine. Not enough rest or going to bed late will also create potassium loss. Carbs will also create a deficiency in potassium. Suffice to say, maintaining your potassium takes work but it is worth it!



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​In the beginning there was the Logos  and the Logos was with God, and the Logos  is God. (John  1:1)

The soul needs to follow something in order to give birth to virtue:

this something is God: if we follow Him we shall live aright. -St. Augustine

​A Way of Life for Life -Copyright © 2014-2024 Josephine  Certified Holistic Nutrition, CHN, FDN

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